It's about MORE than JUST Scholarships

A student used our system to attend a private college at a 50% discount, graduate in 4 years with a job and bought a house within 12 months after graduation. Meanwhile, his parents used our system to pay for 80% of his college expenses.

Another student used our system to get recruited to run track, pursue an engineering degree, receive scholarships for both that increased ever year with his success on the track and in the classroom. Meanwhile, his parents were able to travel to attend his meets and he will graduate debt free.

Another student used our system to double major at a private college, get $198,000 in scholarships and research stipends, publish 2 articles, and enroll in Med School for his PhD still on scholarship. Meanwhile, his parents bought a boat and retired early.

So like I said, there is more to this little book than “just” scholarships.

Here’s a fraction of what you are getting ...

If you think your Expected Family Contribution is how much you will pay for college, you’re in for a shocker! We’ll give you a simple easy to understand formula to estimate financial aid awards and explain what your EFC really means.

5 reasons every family needs to file financial at forms…even if you won’t qualify for aid. Believe it or not, one reason it to
increase the chance your student will get admitted.

If the first thing you do when you think college is look for the minimum requirements to be admitted, you’ve got the order wrong.

How sending your student to community college first, can actually cost you more in the end; when it’s a better plan to go to the state school, and when your best plan is the high-priced private school.

For divorced parents: What to do if the other parent won’t help with college. What if you are remarried and your spouse doesn’t want to help with college. When do you have to report the other parent’s income and when can you not?

How to eliminate filling out hundreds of scholarship applications and why simply applying for scholarships doesn’t really work.

Quotes directly from our families

"Your suggestion turned out to be a winner!"

Wanted to let you know the "wild hair" you suggested turned out to be a winner. He gets to study Chemistry, and will complete in cross country & track. And he is going to apply for the honors program as was suggested by the chair of the Chemistry Dept. Thank you!"

— Linda Dohm

"I believe we owe it in great part to you!"

Miranda received the letter today that she has been awarded a Ford Foundation Scholarship. I believe we owe it in great part to you. Thank you so much for all you have done for us! What a rewarding career you have. Thank you again!

— Carrie Stanton

"$61,404, wow!"

We received the scholarship value from Columbia ($61,404 for senior year, wow!). She graduates May 20!!! We will always remember how important your help was in making Columbia possible for Maren.

— Mary Arnsted & Fred Abei, Attorney

"I'm so incredibly grateful!"

Dear Cori, Thank you so very, very much for all that you've done on the financial aid front. Without you, I would not be going to Columbia, perhaps the loftiest ambition I've reached this far. I'll sing your praises everywhere. I am so incredibly grateful for what you've helped this family accomplish.

— Maren Killacky, Columbia Alumni

"The earlier the better!!!"

Your knowledge and expertise helped so much with the transition from high to college for Kaylen & Kaizer, and made it so much easier!! Thank you so much!!! I would encourage anyone with kids in high school to talk to My College Authority about college planning. The earlier the better!!!

— Shawn & Nikki Gillispie

"They were there with us through it all!"

I heard My College Authority speak at a networking meeting and I am so glad I did! We knew sorting through the process of college planning was going to be difficult. There is so much involved; from making financial decisions to exploring schools that met our criteria, but they were there for us through it all. Our College Planner was able to connect with and explain things to our son in a way HE could understand.

— Melissa McLoughlin & Kevin McLoughlin, Certified Wealth Advisor

"A dream come true."

A dream come true...getting a text from your daughter that says, "Thanks for sending me to this school!"

— Leslie Ghiglieri

"We are so grateful."

Thanks for all you did to help with our college plans. We are so grateful.

— Greg & Melissa Stiles

"Today our daughter is a college senior with no debt!"

We cannot give Cori Murphy too large an endorsement. When Amy Hathaway our Senior HR Consultant recommended Cori to help us prepare our daughter for college 3 1/2 years ago, we had no idea the ROI would have anything to do with actual money saved. Aside from taking away all the stress of figuring out what was needed to put our daughter in the best college for her, Cori and her team helped us understand the financial responsibilities and the opportunities available to us and our daughter. Today, Mary is a senior with no college debt and will graduate after just four years. Thank you.

— Brian & Rene Smith, Consultants & Entrepreneurs

"We found the perfect school!"

We went to a class at My College Authority and were very impressed...Our College Planner was helpful and professional, and we felt comfortable asking questions. My College Authority and staff provided us with the tools to narrow our search for schools and suggested options we never would have considered on our own...My daughter ended up finding the perfect school for her and for us! They also gave us extra assistance since my husband is self-employed and we had extra forms to fill out. We loved that!

— Colette Tidball & Tim Tidball, Entreprenuer

"Money can be a difficult and stressful thing to talk about."

Money can be a difficult and a stressful thing to talk about, but My College Authority does it very well. They know the ins and outs and were able to answer some very difficult questions. There is a steep learning curve throughout the college planning process. Going to My College Authority definitely cut down on the time we would have spent trying to educate ourselves about affording college and financial aid. I think it really helped having a third party walk us through this process. With My College Authority's, I feel like we have done everything we can to get our daughter into one of her top college choices and be able to financially afford it.

— Julie Ann Mowatt

"Without your help, she'd be unhappily living at home and going to college."

I wanted to write and THANK YOU for all of the help you gave us a couple years ago...and for answering my questions over the past year. Before talking with you, we would NEVER have thought that we could afford to send either of our kids to a private college. We found out when Matt applied that YOU CAN afford private colleges! Without you and your help she'd be unhappily going to SOU living at home. THANKS SO MUCH!!!!!!

— Sabra Scotton

"We saved thousands of dollars and considerable grief."

College selection and planning is a difficult process. My College Authority provided us with the guidance, the confidence and the knowledge to make the best possible choices for our son. They were readily available to answer any questions that came up in the process. I am certain that they have saved us thousands of dollars and considerable grief and I would highly recommend them to anyone who plans on sending their child off to college in the near future.

— Martha Waardenburg, Proud Baseball Mom

"They are truly experts!"

We were amazed at how acceptance letters, and even better, financial aid offers started showing up in the mail after implementing My College Authority's strategies. They are truly experts in the field. If you have a high schooler, you'd be crazy not to take advantage of their services no matter what your financial situation is. If you aren't using a proven program to find college money available to your kid, you might as well be taking stacks of cash and throwing them out the window.

— Ryan & Kerri Mallory, Small Business Owners

Did you ever imagine you'd be sending Mary to a private college?

Dad: No, never! Your program is the best investment I've every made. Where else can you turn less than $2,000 into a $33,000 scholarship. I've never got that kind of return on my money!

— Brian & Rene' Smith, Business Owners

"I found their help invaluable."

As a full time CFP and volunteer admissions coordinator for West Point, I found this seminar to be invaluable. I’ve also signed up with Cori Murphy to use the expertise she and the “My College Authority team” bring to the table in finding the right college for you and your student, as well as how to pay for it while maximizing scholarships and student aid packages.

— Russ Kautz LTC (Ret.) - USMA & Admissions Coordinator

"In the past few weeks, David has received 3 scholarships."

I just wanted to share the good news with you. We couldn't have done this without your help. Thank you again for all your help in helping David get these scholarships.

— Steve Parson, Executive

"I always wanted the support of a professional to help us."

Thanks so much for such a great meeting today! I always wanted to have the support of a knowledgeable and trained, professional to help with the planning needs of our son and daughter. It was great to meet you!

— Christy & Mark Battiato, Private School Parents & Entreprenuers

"You are keeping me sane!"

I can't tell you how much I appreciate everything you do for us... most importantly, you are keeping me sane!

— Rene’ Smith

"No way, without your help!"

Thanks for everything you've done!!! I told Tim there is no way that he would have received 5 acceptances without My College Authority's help.

— Diane Busald & Tim Busald, Faculty, Small Business Development Center

"You should call My College Authority right away!"

My College Authority has the most knowledgeable college planners around! Not only do they save families thousands ($40-$60k) on a college education, they are wonderful to work with. They truly have committed themselves to helping students get a quality education, at the college they want, while saving the family thousands of dollars. If you have a student who is looking at going to college, you definitely should call My College Authority right away!

— Jonathan, Google Review

"This is a prescription for success and peace of mind."

At the start of my daughter's senior year, I felt like I was behind the eight ball and didn't want to chance my daughter’s future regarding her education.Cori and staff jumped right in, it was and has been one of the most calming and reassuring endeavors I've ever been associated with. The results were nothing short of helpful to amazing.If I could sum my experience up in a short description I would have to say "It's a no brainer!" If folks would listen to their advice and follow the process I think they would soon realize this is a prescription for success and piece of mind in putting the pieces of the puzzle together from choosing the right school to clarifying all of the financial components.

— Bill Harrington

"I'm a HUGE fan."

You can count on My College Authority for an ethical and honest perspective. I wish more than anything that I could of had them as a resource when I was in school and applying for Ivy League schools (and then paying for them). You can't go wrong with meeting with them. They are truly focused on helping kids get into college and parents figuring out how to pay for it. I'm a HUGE fan.

— Andrea Freel-Tenbrink, M.A.

"She quickly wrapped her mind around our unique situation."

I was very impressed with how quickly she wrapped her mind around our unique situation and enlightened me of some amazing possibilities. Kicking and complaining, I dragged my darling son to her next free presentation to learn about SAT and ACT testing, scholarships for merit, seemingly unknown college names and much more. It was all very impressive, but the best part of it was that my all-knowing teen son now sat quietly next to me, mouth gaping ajar and eyes wide open as he learned of the complex maze of paperwork and decisions that lay before us. As we exited the building to grab a late dinner, he thanked me.

— Therese Holliday

"My girls haven't stopped hounding me to sign them up."

After having our initial meeting, our girls have not stopped hounding me to sign them up so we can begin the process. They are very excited to go through your program as they anticipate all of the fears of going to college. You have given them comfort and they trust you to help them through this transitional period as they strive to become responsible young adults. I must say, they are not the only ones to find comfort in knowing you will be counseling us through this process.

As working parents, I have often wondered if we would be able to find the time to research and do what is best for our girls. The information is vast and the tasks are daunting when it comes to finding the right college. Scholarship applications, testing, and providing financial information will eat up most of our time, not to mention the research on the colleges themselves. You have managed to create a program that makes it easy to do all that is necessary to find the right fit at the right price while saving us so much time. We can’t thank you enough for providing this service and we look forward to working with you over the next couple of years!

— Paula, Katelyn, & Madigan

"Our daughter found the perfect school for her and for us!"

We went to a workshop and were very impressed. Our first college was about to go to college and we needed help. My College Authority was helpful and professional, and we were comfortable asking questions. They provided us with the tools and counsel to narrow down our search for schools and suggested options we never would have considered on our own. With their broad knowledge of the college application process and financial guidance and planning, my daughter ended up finding the perfect school for her and for us! They also gave us extra assistance since my husband is self-employed and we had extra financial aid forms to fill out. We loved that!

— Colette Tidball & Tim Tidball, Photographer

"A college we would not have entertained because of cost."

When our son was a junior in high school we attended a workshop. Afterwards we made an appointment to find out more about our circumstances and what their ideas would be for our family. They led us through many aspects we never would have considered and the much needed financial consultation. After My College Authority's help, we were able to put our son in a college we would not have entertained because of cost. Our family's experience is a two thumbs up for My College Authority.

— Rich & Ilene Stanfield

"In a 35 year career in higher education administration, I have very few..."

In a 35 year career in higher education administration, including stints as academic dean, 16 years as a college president, and five years as the Executive Director of a 19-college state system, I have met very few people who equal Cori Murphy of My College Authority in knowledge about the obstacles to getting into college and where to find the resources to do it. I have met none who bring as much energy and dedication to helping collegiate prospects find their way. I recommend her without reservations to parents of the college-bound.

— Dr. Ken Wright,

"Your confident definitely helps me a lot!"

I really appreciate everything that you are doing for my family and me. I know that I tend to be a little high strung and easily stressed out so your confidence and self-assuredness definitely helps me a lot! Thank you so much.

— Tayler Harrington

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